So it turns out that this blogging thing is harder than I thought. This last academic year (fall 2018 and spring 2019) were full of teaching commitments, finishing coursework, conferences and aggressively getting as much research done as possible.
With my anticipated graduation date of May 2020 quickly approaching, I also developed a plan to ensure that everything that I want to accomplish gets done by my target dates. This plan involved coordination with both of my advisors and I’m excited for the final marathon-type sprint to the finish line.

In related news, I will be spending the next 3 weeks TAing NC State’s field camp for the third time in New Mexico. Our first home-base is Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM. My friend and lab-mate, Corbin Kling, will be taking on the TA duties with me again this year for the second year in a row. It is more than likely that instead of blogging each day, I’ll be tweeting about field camp happenings. If you feel so inclined, feel free to follow our adventures on my (relatively new) twitter account @TheLadyTA. I will also occasionally post to the NCSUFieldCamp Instagram page that I created a few years ago. #NCSUfieldcamp2019