Before I get into elaborating on the blog title, I figured I would do a quick 2019 Geological Society of America Meeting recap. I find that the further in my career I get, the faster and busier each meeting is. This year was spent networking with new researchers and brainstorming future collaborations while also getting to see friends from other universities. Both my poster on our GeoJourney course and my talk on channel initiation points (ChIPs) went fantastic and it was fun discussing my research with other scientists interested in my work.

After GSA I also made a quick trip to SUNY Geneseo, my alma mater, to give an invited seminar in the Geneseo Geology department on my current research and discuss graduate school with undergraduate students who are considering continuing their academic journey. It was so fantastic to be back for a visit and share my research with students sitting where I sat over 6 years ago.

NC State also featured my NASA grant and research on their website and social media outlets. Today I received the nicest email from the Dean of our graduate school congratulating me and letting me know that I was featured on their website. So I went and checked and THERE I WAS! Right on the front page of The Graduate School website!! I’m so excited to be able to share all of my research with everyone so get ready to see some cool stuff!

Speaking of showing you cool stuff I’ve been doing, one of the collaborative research projects that I’ve been working on with colleagues from multiple universities has been accepted for publication! We investigated the impacts of an Augmented Reality Sandbox on undergraduate student learning. While challenging at times, it’s been really cool to work with such a large group from so many institutions. Look for the publication soon in the Journal of Geography in Higher Education!