Summer 2019 ended with a big GeoJourney BANG! We had another great year and it’s always hard to say goodbye to the amazing landscapes. One of my favorite parts this year was hiking the North Kaibab trail from the North Rim, down to the Colorado River and back in a day. 28 miles, 14 hours and 12,000ft of elevation change (6,000 down and 6,000 up). The blisters stuck around for about a month or so, but the memories of that terribly amazing hike will last forever! I think next time I hike the Grand Canyon, I’d like to stay at Phantom Ranch at the bottom for a few days before hiking out. We did a lot of other amazing things too, but you can check out my twitter for those pictures (@TheLadyTA).

The fall semester is off to a great start. This is my first semester in my 6th year of graduate school that I’m not teaching. It’s been bittersweet. I really miss being in front of students, but it has been awesome to make some research progress (THANK YOU NASA for the fellowship funding!!!)! I’ve been reading How to Write A Lot: a Practical Guide to Academic Writing and it has really gotten me into the writing mood. I need to make a lot of writing progress this year on a lot of different projects and documents, so having a writing schedule is going to be key to getting it all done. My lab mate Corbin and I have agreed to enter into a writing pact – we each need to write at least 500 words/week, including during conferences and other busy times. I plan to do this by setting aside some time on Friday mornings to write as much as I can in a few hours. I’ll report back on how it goes.

I just arrived in Phoenix for the 2019 Geological Society of America meeting. The past few weeks were filled with GIS analysis, talk and poster making and I am SO EXCITED to share my work with everyone at #GSA2019. If you happen to see this before Tuesday, come check out my fluvial geomorphology talk on Tuesday at 3:45pm and my geoscience education poster, which will be on display all day on Tuesday, but I will be there in person from 4:30-6:30pm if you want to chat!